Well although it has only been a week since my last blog it feels like far longer!
I had a fantastic weekend with my aussie friend Adele coming to stay at my house. On Friday she arrived and we popped to Malmö and saw Jacquelyn. We had a fika and saw a movie together which was lots of fun and returned home excited for saturday, our day in copenhagen! We caught the train very early, at 8 30 and met Alana in Malmö, arriving together in Denmark by 10am. It was really exciting taking the train over the bridge from sweden to denmark.

This photo was taken by us while on the train actually crossing between the countries

Very I later had the chance to see the bridge from afar when driving to Lund later in the week and it was an incredible sight! we had a fab day shopping ( the longest shopping street in europe I believe, or close to it!) although we didnt quite manage to get round all the shops! we then went in search of the famous mermaid statue however unfortuanetly the instructions were given to us by a very nice danish boy and so we didnt listen very well and ended up turning right instead of left very early on. We didnt get to the mermaid. We then had a lovely late lunch and a 'pickled tink' at the Hardrock Cafe which was great. after our day of wandering around copenhagen looking at amazing buildings and seeing the canals etc we popped back to Sweden to go to an exchange students house, Gregs, for a wee party with exchange students and swedes which was fun. Sunday was spent catching up on ourselves after our adventures and thenunfortunately these photos are a bit small but will do untill i figure out why.

A church

Pastries and lollies!
There are more photos to come once I get them off the other girls, unfortunately my camera is broken and so I couldnt take mine and am relying on the girls! Monday Brittany, Adele and I had a fika before showing Adele around Helsingborg, after all she had come to see me there! before she left back home. So that was a really great weekend one of the best so far.

There is a stone scene from Hamlet in Helsingborg so of course Brittany, Adele and I thought it necessary to join in!

Im sitting here typing this while there has been a snowstorm all afternoon. Its nice to sit here with my heater and my chocolate milk although it wasnt so fun walking home from tåg stationen!
Since that weekend I have had another week at school. I have had my first french class finally! and of course met a lovely girl who was genuinly interested in my foreigness and enjoyed talking to me. Too bad my school isnt on the ball as had i met her 6 weeks ago, i may have had more fun at school. My annoyance with school doesnt stop there as I have beenn here so long and yet I still havent got a full timetable. I am yet to get my second option class, which is now to be cooking and I was sent to my first class on friday morning. As it started at 8.15 I need to leave my house at 7am. When I got to the school ( it was in a different school to mine as is my french class) it took me a good ten minutes to figure out how to enter the building! And then another 5 to find the classroom but I eventually got there! However when I did, it was only to learn the teacher didnt know who I was and I couldnt have my class then! So consequently I didnt have class until 10am, no new friends although a bit of embarrassment. Maybe tomorrow!
Thursday two friends and I had a fika in Malmö which was fun and cheered us all up immensly! And Friday night I stayed at Alanas house before going to Lund on Saturday with Rotary to hand out pamphlets and to speak about being exchange students. Another party with the same people Saturday night and Sunday was spent in Malmö (again!) hanging out with the nzers who are in DEnmark on their exchange. It was lots of fun to see them again especially Megan who is in my nz district and we had done all the rotary things together last year in preperation for our exchange. I will post the photos as soon as I get them.
Well I think that sums up my week nicely, I believe I have forgotten things but They can go in my next blog. My english is getting worse as my swedish gets better! Which is probably a good sign for now!
Well I think that sums up my week nicely, I believe I have forgotten things but They can go in my next blog. My english is getting worse as my swedish gets better! Which is probably a good sign for now!
I am getting ready for easter soon! there are a few decorations around, plastic eggs hanging and many many many chickens everywhere! ITs quite funny, but the real reason im really looking forward to easter is not because of the chocolate and candy things they have but I will be going to Poland with Brittany, my host mother and a friend of hers to visit a Polish orphanage where my host mother sponsers two girls so we will see them and then of course have a wee looksie around. I am also looking forward to in April my ski trip in Åre ( north sweden), a week bikeride around Denmark going with my host grandfather and some of his friends and Alana will come too. Now dont be fooled we will be travelling 50kms a day and my host grandad does aerobics etc often and so I am told the pace wont be slow! I also have eurotour planned in July with Rotary where we go to Berlin, Cracow ( South Poland), Prague, Salzburg & Zell am see ( in Austria), Lido di Jesolo & Venice ( Italy), Paris, Lyon, brussels & Antwerp ( Belgium). Following the Eurotour I am going to Spain with my Host Family. I also have a few other trips in my mind! So it is a very exciting time!
Hope everybody is well, keep sending the emails! All my news tend to be in my blogs so please dont pester me about long replys as there is no need!
what is a fika?!!
What the fika is a pickled tink?
haha well a fika is when you go to a cafe and have coffee and eat your cake or whatever your eating and just hang out. its not like when your shopping and stop for coffee, you go for a fika. its lots of fun and very very yummy
jeg elsker fika and jeg ogsa elsker sweden!!!!!!
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