Well I have just had a crazy 18 days with 76 other exchange students from Ecuador, South Africa, France, America, Canada, Australia, Argentina, Brazil, New Zealand, Mexico, 4 chaperones, a very smiley tour guide and a funny bus driver, driving all over europe. I was exhausted at the end of it!
Day 1 of Eurotour, I left home at 7am and drove to Malmö to for meeting at 8.30am. After an hour of being told of the rules etc we hit the road on a double deckor bus. i sat with Alana on the first day and we had a very funny lunch on the ferry crossing from Denmark to germany with Natalie and Max. After driving further once we were in Germany, we arrived in Berlin, settled into the hotel and then went out for our german dinner. Afterwards had a little free time to have a look around the night lit Berlin, but only enough time for a little walk. Then it was back to the hotel and to bed.
Day 2 we had a sightseeing tour and went to Checkpoint Charlie, which was from when Berlin was divided where one would cross from east to west or vice versa. It had a really interesting museum detailing how people would sneak over the border, telling the tales of some very brave souls. We also went to the Berlin wall of course! It was really strange though, the whole wall is just covered in paintings and graffiti, which of course everybody added to and as the last girls were leaving their mark the police came and told them off! Despite the thousands of other names scribbled all over the wall they were still told to stop! We couldn't believe it. We saw some other old impressive buildings before some free tim to shop etc. Had a really yummy lunch from a little german bakery type place with pastries etc. That evening after dinner we had a few games outside, ice breaker activities I guess, which were quite fun, we had a danceing competition etc. then just chilled out with everybody afterwards..
Berlin by night
Brianna and Frans
Alex, Alana and I
Brittany, Amp, Jacquelyn and Sarah
from boat
Hotel view, we were out from the city though
with sarah at lunch
eating pizza in italy
with sarah
Jacquelyn and I
yum yum yum
3 girlies
in Venice
Masks of Venice
Busy tourist filled street
eating our ice cream/ gelato, yes italy has the best ice cream
on ferry to venice
Day 1 of Eurotour, I left home at 7am and drove to Malmö to for meeting at 8.30am. After an hour of being told of the rules etc we hit the road on a double deckor bus. i sat with Alana on the first day and we had a very funny lunch on the ferry crossing from Denmark to germany with Natalie and Max. After driving further once we were in Germany, we arrived in Berlin, settled into the hotel and then went out for our german dinner. Afterwards had a little free time to have a look around the night lit Berlin, but only enough time for a little walk. Then it was back to the hotel and to bed.
Day 2 we had a sightseeing tour and went to Checkpoint Charlie, which was from when Berlin was divided where one would cross from east to west or vice versa. It had a really interesting museum detailing how people would sneak over the border, telling the tales of some very brave souls. We also went to the Berlin wall of course! It was really strange though, the whole wall is just covered in paintings and graffiti, which of course everybody added to and as the last girls were leaving their mark the police came and told them off! Despite the thousands of other names scribbled all over the wall they were still told to stop! We couldn't believe it. We saw some other old impressive buildings before some free tim to shop etc. Had a really yummy lunch from a little german bakery type place with pastries etc. That evening after dinner we had a few games outside, ice breaker activities I guess, which were quite fun, we had a danceing competition etc. then just chilled out with everybody afterwards..
Day 3 we drove to Poland, ate out having a jewish dinner, then back to the hotel where we had a bit of fun. Day 4, explored cracow on foot with a tour guide, it was quite interesting, saw the only senegal in the city etc Then in the afternoon it was to Auschwitz, which was an unreal experiance. It still seemed so difficult to believe that everything we have read in the textbooks at school about the concentration camps actually happened despite walking through gas chambers, seeing the piles of shoes etc. It was very sombering, and really difficult to describe.
I was very impressed with prague, we began day 6 with a walking tour of the city starting in the old part seeing the palace etc. I thought it was a really pretty city and was amazed when looking out over the city from up near the palace. Had free time in the arvo and wandered through the shopping area, it was quite funny on the way to lunch one guy who worked at a souvenir shop called out to us as we walked past exscuse me you dropped something, confused I looked back but there was nothing on the ground so we looked back at him and he said my heart. Well we just cracked up with laughter and kept walking, it was very funny and then later we heard that this had also happened to several people. The tactics of getting tourists into shops! That night we all got dressed up at had a nice dinner on a boat cruise which was a really nice way to see a little more prague, really pretty from the water.
We drove to Zell am See from Prague and stopped for an hour on the way at Salzburg, home of Mozart and the location where the sound of music was filmed. I had a really nice hour there walking with Nick, Laura, Kate and Steven up a little hill where we got a great view of the city, and of course sung the songs from the movie at the top and walking down, then it was back on the bus to continue on to Zell am See only about an hour further from Salzburg but up in the alps. It was a really pretty view from the hotel. There is the cleanest lake in Europe with the mountains surrounding it so you can imagine how nice it was sitting on the balcony at the end of the day. Day 8 we hiked up the mountain, took awhile! But was well worth it, just a beautiful day, so hot, but just everywhere you looked it looked so great. Afterwards we went for a well deserved swim in the lake which was a lovely temperature and really nice. AFter dinner a few went out around the little town and others, including me chilled out on the balcony looking out at everything at the hotel. Was a really good day.
Well we stayed in a little town with a beautiful beach just a ferry ride away from Venice, so was still quite the tourist town but so lovely. Had a free day there which was spent at the beach, in the shops and having a nice lunch of pasta. Had such a lovely day then the next day was spent in venice, starting with a gondala ride through the city which i really enjoyed, a nice way to check out the city. The rest of the day was free time wandering through venice, I didnt really enjoy venice so much as it was such a hot day and there were just so many people you couldnt hold out your arms so it was quite overwhelming. However it was a really pretty city, although I think i would enjoy italy in lesser tourist towns.

Well our first night in France was in the ghetto of Lyon so didnt get up to much that evening up arrival, just chilled out on the lawn with a rugby ball. It took two days driving from Italy to get to Paris, so the next morning it was back on the bus to get to Paris. Our first evening there we went to a French caberet after dinner, which was very entertaining, i am sure all the boys enjoyed it. The next day we drove around the city- i am never driving myself if the city of paris, the traffic was insane- at saw things like l'arc de triomphe, the famous shopping street filled with shops of famous designers, on our way to the eiffel tower. Standing at the top of that was amazing, it was the place that had the most impact, in the sense of wow I am really here the little kiwi from the other side of the world. The tower really was very impressive, especially the next day when we returned at night. Lit up was even better. Paris was lots of fun and I really enjoyed it however it was very frustrating every time I tried to speak french, after my studying it the way through college, all I could think was how to say what I wanted to say in swedish! It was very frustrating.
supplies for the bus trip
drinking my nutella snack pack thing

moulin rouge
Well we stopped in Brussels on our way to Antwerp and had several hours there where Ella and I had our waffle and ice cream before going chocolate shop hopping where we scored lots of free samples, it was lots of fun. I really liked Belgium, it was a shame we didnt have much time there but it was all very cute and quaint in the streets. We saw the famous statue of the little boy peeing, but that wasnt very exciting! This little statue on this little corner, strange how its on all the postcards etc had a nice evening relaxed with friends at the hotel and the next day we began our journey back to sweden. We had two days driving home, the night in the middle we stayed over in Hagen in Germany and had an all night party in a conference room where we had our silly prizes from the trip and dressed up etc and it was all very fun, a nice way to end the trip.
And that was Eurotour! I had such a wonderful time, made so many new friends and saw a lot of europe in the time that we had. I think that Lido de Jesolo, the small town we stayed in in Italy, Austria, Prague and Paris where my favourites. And Belgium! haha well I guess I enjoyed most the cities fairly evenly then!
Next its to the bach near the norweigan border for a week and then I have two weeks in spain. So please remember this when it takes me awhile to reply to your emails this time guys! I wasnt going to waste any of my time on eurotour on the computer, and I am not sure what internet I will have in spain, so just remember that if I fail to reply fast enough for you!
puss och kram,
WOW, Looks like you guys had an AMAZING Eurotrip. Way better than mine. Im so jelous. Hope your having a good holidays.
Gosh Julia you've been to sooo many awesome places. The photos are wicked :) Hope you had a good birthday (i know about a month ago) haha. I wish i could have all that experience! Im jelous like Greg. :) Enjoy the rest of your travels!!
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